Golf Anywhere, Friends Everywhere
Welcome to Thousand Greens. A Private Community of Passionate
Golfers Across Top-Rated Golf Courses.
Learn More
From Passion to Community – Presenting Thousand Greens
Thousand Greens is an exclusive network for avid golfers who are members of highly regarded Luxury golf clubs.
Our community thrives on the shared passion for golf, offering a unique platform where members connect, share experiences, and enjoy rounds of golf at esteemed courses as accompanied guests.
Thousand Greens is built on trust, mutual respect, and the love of the game, creating lifelong friendships among like-minded individuals.
What is Thousand Greens?
“While we have sometimes been referred to as Tinder for Golf, we tend to think of ourselves as a Club Golfers LinkedIn.
We are a connectivity platform that enables our members to build connections with other like minded passionate club golfers around the world.”
Connect & Network With
Thousand Greens Vast
Join a thriving community of passionate golfers from top
private clubs.
Expand your network and forge lasting
connections with like-minded members across the world.
growing community of members 
clubs on Thousand Greens
countries in the whole world 
clubs in the world top 100
Unlock a World of Golfing Experiences
Unlock exclusive golf club membership benefits, connect with a network of elite
golfers, and enjoy seamless access to premier private courses anytime, anywhere.
Level Up Your Golfing Experience with Thousand Greens
Enhance your golfing life with easy relationship building with like minded passionate golfers from amazing clubs across the globe
Play Other Clubs
Join Interest Groups
Maintain Golf Rolodex
Track Played Clubs
Track Golf Quests
Play in Events
Shop for Deals
A Golfer’s Passion,
a Global Vision
Meet the Founder of Thousand Greens
"Every time I play my club with a guest, I fall in love with my club all over again as I see it through their admiring eyes. Very few understand the mad passion that drives us golfers. The best days are when one of our members shares yet another tale of an amazing lifelong friendship created on the links”
Hear from Our Golfing Family
Thousand Greens is a private and confidential community of golfers who belong to highly regarded and top rated private clubs.
TG has enabled multiple highly positive interactions between myself, my son, and members at others clubs in the San Diego and Palm Springs area as well as hosting here at Granite Club in Toronto, Canada.
Rob R
Just had a great time this weekend with a TG member from FC. I didn’t even request to play golf, just a cocktail in his locker room which is immaculate. Because of his trust in your system, my foursome and his friends nerded out on golf in a way impossible before your app. Keep up the good work.
Sean H
Thank you for this incredible service. I have met some amazing people and played some great courses that would've been all but impossible without Thousand Greens. With snow on the ground here in NJ I am jealous of your rounds in Hawaii, but I'm quite looking forward to a few rounds already lined up this year with people I've met through TG
James D
I am newer member and have just begun to use the platform. My first experience was a trip to the DC area and things couldn’t have worked out better. Our hosts were exceptional and the golfing experience was better than our high expectations. Thank you for all you do to make this run as smoothly as it does.
Bill C
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join?
What functionality does the application offer?
Will my information be public?
What are my hosting obligations once I join?
Who pays for the rounds?
Does it cost to join?
Thousand Greens LogoThousand Greens

Connect, Grow, Become a
Member of Golf’s Elite with Thousand Greens!

Experience unparalleled access and connections in the world of private and Luxury golf clubs.

Man using phone near golf cart
Have a Question? We're Here to Help!
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at:
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